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Business offer’s special terms and conditions

1. Preambule

The present special terms and conditions regarding the Europcar business offer (hereinafter the « Special Conditions ») are issued by EUROPCAR INTERNATIONAL, acting in the name and on behalf its Participating Rental Stations (as defined below), a French « Société par Actions Simplifiée à Associé Unique » with a share capital of € 110.000.00 euros, whose registered office is located VOISINS-LE-BRETONNEUX (78960), Parc d’Affaires « Le Val Saint Quentin » – Bâtiment OP, 2 rue René Caudron, registered with the Companies and Trade Registry of VERSAILLES (Yvelines) under number B 542 065 305, (hereinafter designed « Europcar »).

These Special Conditions are concluded between Europcar and any company, which wants to benefit from the Europcar business offer (hereinafter the “Offer”) (hereinafter the “Business Customer”). These Special Conditions shall take effect from the date of the online registration by the Business Customer to the Offer.

Europcar reserves the right at any time to modify the present Special Conditions, subject to compliance with the domestic public policy provisions applicable to ongoing contracts. The present Special Conditions are accessible, in English, at any time on the Internet website

2. Purpose

The purpose of these Special Conditions is to define the conditions and the modalities of the Offer, its conditions and conditions of application, the Offer allowing only the authorized legal representative to register online, which enables any employee of the Business Customers company to rent a vehicle at discounted rates for professional and/or personal use, from the date of its online registration to the Offer.

3. Conditions

3.1 On-line registration to benefit from the Offer – account creation


  • to be authorized to do an on-line registration (legal representative, have SIRET, working email adrresss…)

To benefit from the Offer, the following cumulative conditions are mandatory :

3.1.1 to be the authorized legal representative of a company answering to the following criterions :

  • to exercise a professional activity
  • to have a SIRET or VAT or Company Registration number ;
  • to have a valid and in working order professional e-mail address ;
  • to satisfy to the present Special Conditions.

To benefit from the Special conditions after that the legal repsentative has registered the Business customer company for a rental:

  • to be authorized to the driving of a vehicle according to the current Europcar general terms and conditions of hire Europcar, available on the Internet site (hereinafter the “Europcar General Terms and Conditions of Hire”) and to the current Europcar Insurance and Protection, available on the Internet site, that could be obtained in the whole Europcar rental stations worldwide networkparticipating to the Offer (hereinafter individually the “Europcar Participating Rental Station” or collectively the “Europcar Participating Rental Stations”), and that determined particularly the seniority conditions of its driving license and the accepted means of payment further to the category of the vehicle rented ;
  • not to already benefit from a discounted rate with Europcar by any means, the advantages of the Offer may not be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion ;
  • to have a valid credit card “accepted”, as précised on the Internet site … (hereinafter the “Credit Card Accepted”), the data of which are encrypted via a securised plate-forme ;
  • to satisfy to the present Special Conditions.

3.1.2 to read and to accept the present Special Conditions, the Europcar General Terms and Conditions of Hire and the Europcar Insurance and Protection.

3.1.3 to register it on-line and create an account :

  • by Internet, on the Internet site : by fully completing the on-line Europcar registration formular : after confirmation of the on-line registration by the Business Customer, Europcar will address an acknowledgment of receipt by electronic mean to the professional address of the Business Customer, which will lead to the final acceptance of the Offer by the Business Customer.

3.2 Registration or discounted rates refusal

Europcar reserves the right to not accept the on-line registration and/or to refuse to allow the Business Customer and/or any of its employees to benefit from discounted rates if the authorized legal representative of the Business Customer is on the watchlist of Europcar and/or any of its employees, duly and regularly declared to the “Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés” (hereinafter “CNIL”), or if the authorized legal representative of the Business Customer does not fulfil the conditions as described in the Article 3 of the present Special Conditions. 


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Dlaczego wynajem samochodu w Europcar to korzystne rozwiązanie?
Rynek wypożyczalni samochodowych w dobie rosnącej mobilności powinien jak najlepiej odpowiadać na potrzeby Klientów. Europcar jako międzynarodowa wypożyczalnia aut, która tworzy obecnie największą sieć wynajmu samochodów na świecie, stara się udoskonalać swoją ofertę i dostosowywać ją do szerokiej grupy Klientów: zarówno prywatnych, jak i biznesowych. O korzyściach płynących z wynajmu auta w Europcar świadczą nie tylko przystępne pakiety cenowe i łatwy w obsłudze system rezerwacji, lecz także imponująca skala działania firmy. Nasza wypożyczalnia posiada bowiem w swojej flocie blisko 213 000 samochodów ulokowanych w 130 krajach. Nasza bogata flota podzielona jest na 7 kategorii: Mini, Economy, Compact, Intermediate, Standard, Full size, Minivan. Wypożyczalnia Europcar oferuje zatem szeroką gamę modeli i marek. Naprawdę jest w czym wybierać.

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Wypożyczalnia samochodów Warszawa, a Wynajem aut w całej Polsce!
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